Reflections on 2022 & hopes for 2023

Published on 1 December 2022 at 14:38

What a year it has been, and it isn't even over yet.  


I have been on a very circuitous journey to get to this point, through entirely different careers, motherhood and making ends meet, to reach the place I am now, making sculpture as my main 'job'.  It's hard to call it a job, as it has been a dream all my life to call myself an Artist, I still choke a little if I say it out loud.    


I owe a lot to my buyers, many of whom have bought repeatedly, I could maybe call them Collectors (that makes me smile inside), watching someone make a connection with your work is a feeling beyond measure.  The support of my gallerists who are encouraging, enthusiastic and affirming even when the ever-present doubt becomes overwhelming.


My artist crew, such a talented and expressive bunch of humans who are an essential part of remaining sane (well, kind of) through the endless deadlines and obsessiveness that surrounds upcoming exhibitions, pop-ups, shows and happenings - including the 48-hour stress ball any ceramic artist becomes between work going into the kiln and coming out again.  


My gorgeous, feisty, confident and exuberant daughter Charlotte, who repeats verbatim words of courage and fortitude when mine has completely failed.  My dog, Chisel for not minding too much when his walk is postponed again & I am locked away in the studio for hours on end.


It can feel like a solitary place in the studio, but the souls of all my loved ones walk in with me to express all they mean to me, by letting it flow out into the clay.


So, this year's shows are out in the world - holding their own, making their way to be loved by another.  My thoughts turn toward next year, what now...?

I would like to develop some new processes, as in how I make my work, more on that as it happens - I wonder what the clay has to say to me next.


I want to go to some of the national shows like Potfest at Scone Palace and maybe Glyne Place or Penrith - if they let me in.


I will be sending my application this week - so I'll keep you posted.  I want to continue to evolve new work for my galleries and do more pop-up exhibitions with my ridiculously talented friends.  Whilst looking to develop relationships with galleries out with Scotland.  So, there is much to be getting on with. 


I hope you like my website, please leave me your email address for future newsletters, I will only write them, when there is news to tell.